Two organizations
that are directly affiliated with WBH are the
Wisconsin Bowhunters Association Land Trust. The Grundman property has been sold.
Many clubs and organizations are considered "affiliated" due to the support they provide to WBH.
Supporting Businesses, Clubs and Organizations:
The Heritage Foundation was formed specifically to collect, preserve and showcase the history of Wisconsin’s bowhunting heritage. It maintains the museum of priceless bowhunting artifacts, housed at the WBH headquarters in Clintonville, and the Wisconsin Bowhunting Hall of Fame to honor those individuals that contributed significantly to the initiation and development of bowhunting in Wisconsin, and in many cases, to bowhunting around the world.
The Wisconsin Bowhunters Association Land Trust was formed to manage the 180 acre property in Polk County, generously donated to WBH by Roger and Eileen Grundman. The property is being developed to provide bowhunting opportunities for young people and families according to the Grundman family’s wishes.