Bowhunting Resources
Hunting Seasons
For information on hunting seasons , visit dnr.wi.gov/ or call the Wisconsin DNR toll-free at 888-WDNR-INFO (888-936-7463).
Legislative Hotline: 1-800-362-9472
Poachers Hotline: 1-800-847-9367
Links of Interest
The following links will take you off the WBH website to a new browser window or tab. The WBH site will remain open:
National Archery in the Schools Program
Kicking Bear
Signature Bow Company
Pope & Young Club
OPEN SEASON Sportsman's Expo
Wisconsin DNR
Centershot Ministries
See the Sportsmen's Alliance News feed on our Issues & News page.
Hunter Education
Anyone not in a mentored or Learn To Hunt program and born after January 1, 1973 is required to complete a WI Hunter Education course.
While completion of a WI Bowhunter Education course is not required to bowhunt in Wisconsin, it is required in some other states to bowhunt there as a non-resident. If considering an out-of-state bowhunt, be sure to check their requirements, and if Bowhunter Education is required, don’t wait. Bowhunter Education classes fill up quickly and are not always readily available.
Bowhunter Education
Archery Kits Available
Attention Archers and Archery Clubs!
The Wisconsin Bowhunters Association has a limited number of complete Archery kits available to introduce people who otherwise would not have the opportunity to enjoy the wonderful world of archery for one year. These kits are available on a first come, first served basis.
The kits have basically everything you would need for mentoring; A complete bow, case, release, and arrows. If needed there is also; safety vests, two person ladder stands, ground blinds, etc. The bows themselves have a great degree of adjustability and can be readily modified to fit individuals of any size or ability.
For further information please contact our main office:
Youth Hunts
Wisconsin provides several opportunities for youth to get involved in hunting.
Youth from 10 to 12 can hunt in the Mentored Hunt program when accompanied by a qualified mentor, even before they’ve completed a Hunter Education class.
Youth can also take advantage of reduced-priced licenses through age 17, and can take part in the special youth deer gun hunt in early October. Youth with less than 2 years of hunting experience can participate in special Learn To Hunt programs authorized by the DNR and sponsored by various organizations. The DNR awards a special Learn To Bear Hunt permit to Wisconsin Bowhunters Association each year, and we conduct an essay contest to determine the winner – who not only receives a bear harvest permit, but a guided, mentored hunt, graciously donated by one of our directors.
More information on these opportunities can be obtained by visiting the DNR website at: dnr.wi.gov.