Wisconsin Bowhunters Association is still the largest membership based bowhunting organization in the United States. WBH is known and respected by many within our state and elsewhere. All that acknowledgement and recognition has not come just because of the name. WBH has had, and still has, a very dedicated group of board members and active members who support us. They believe in what WBH stands for. To remain strong, an organization must be forward thinking. It must maintain a productive, dedicated and active board, along with a supportive membership. WBH is always looking for, and accepting, new bowhunters who support and protect the sport of bowhunting here in Wisconsin. In simple terms, WBH can always use members who are willing to step forward and serve in whatever capacity they are able to, including by serving as a director in your district when positions are open.
One of the key items of business conducted each year during the WBH annual membership meeting is the election of directors. I have been informed that board member Dave Peterson will not be seeking reelection to District 6. Dave, a long-time board member, has held many positions on the board over the years. Sitting on several committees, he has given his time and talent to WBH, never looking for a pat on the back or any other acknowledgement. Dave, because of his love for WBH and the sport of bowhunting, willingly sacrificed his time for WBH. Talking to Dave, by no means is he leaving WBH. He will continue to help where needed. On behalf of WBH, I wish to thank Dave for all he has done in support of the association. The WBH board will be looking to other directors, as well as members in general, to step forward to help fill the shoes Dave is leaving behind. And, as referenced in the prior paragraph, hopefully a willing candidate from District 6 will step forward to represent that district on the board.
Regarding the WBH Annual Membership Convention, held in Stevens Point at the Holiday Inn on Saturday, March 1, 2025, there are going to be some changes to the day’s events. The biggest change is in regards to the annual membership meeting. This year, the meeting will be held at 8:00 a.m. A continental breakfast will be provided to meeting attendees, starting at 7:15 a.m., up until the time of the meeting. The vendor hall, bucket raffle, silent auction, etc., times will be adjusted as needed to accommodate the change to the starting time of the business meeting. It is hoped that this change will provide a smoother flow and a more relaxed feeling to the day. Check out the agenda in the Convention section of this issue of THE Bowhunter for details.
The guest speaker for the convention and banquet will be Dan Evenson. Dan is the first hunter to harvest an elk in Wisconsin in modern history using archery equipment. Dan just accomplished his goal of harvesting all of North America’s big game species using archery equipment. Harvesting this many animals and traversing this great continent has got to make for some good hunting stories! I look forward to hearing his presentation. The annual awards banquet will feature a gun raffle, and we will again auction off an African big game hunt. Bring your family. Bring your friends. I think it will be a good time for all who attend.
The WBH Big Bucks in December, 2024 calendar raffle was a successful venture for WBH. There were only 1,000 tickets available. I thank all who purchased tickets in support of this fundraiser, and congratulate all the winners! The fundraising committee is currently working on the next offering, in time for kick off at or before convention.
The WBH board and the convention committee will be busy gearing up for the 2026 Annual Membership Convention. This will be WBH’s 85th Annual Membership Convention. WOW! It is a huge accomplishment for an organization to stay viable for that long. I am sure the convention committee will try it’s best to make the 85th convention the best ever.
Bowhunting is in full swing as I write this article. I pray all are enjoying their time outdoors and possibly have already been successful at harvesting an animal. If you are looking for something new to try, consider some varmint calling and try to get rid of some coyotes. There are too many of them out there and they like venison too!
On another note, this year, as in other years, I provided 4 free bear hunts for youth transfer permit holders. Three of the 4 harvested a bear, and I had a great time with the youth and their families. You can read about these hunts in greater detail in this issue of THE Bowhunter.
I will close with two thoughts from me to you:
The ultimate test of a person’s conscience or personality may be their willingness to sacrifice something for future generations and not waiting for words of thanks.
The following is what I call my hunters creed:
I am a hunter
If I am not hunting
I am thinking of hunting
Talking about hunting
Dreaming about hunting
Writing about hunting
God blessing to all,
Richard Kirchmeyer
WBH President