Why Join?
If you are a bowhunter...
WBH has already done a lot for you, and will continue to work on behalf of all bowhunting.
If you are not already a member, please consider joining WBH, one of the premier bowhunting organizations in the country.
It's easy! Just fill out the online application here, or download the Membership Application (PDF), fill it out and send it with your payment to the WBH office. (See address below)
Membership Includes:
Access to exclusive bowhunting events.
Eligibility for exclusive Big Game Awards, Small Game Awards, a Carp Trophy, a Big Buck Trophy and a Big Bear Trophy.
WBH's exclusive magazine, The Bowhunter, mailed three times annually: January, April, and August
A current year hat pin.
A membership card.
A chance to attend the WBH Annual Convention held the first weekend in March each year with guest speakers, seminars, vendors and a lot of bowhunters like you!
The ability to take part in the WBH Annual State Broadhead Shoot, one of the largest bowhunter shoots of its kind in the country, traditionally held the weekend BEFORE the opening of archery deer season in mid-September, affording you the opportunity to shoot with broadheads under natural hunting conditions at life-sized deer, bear, turkey and coyote silhouettes.
Stay up-to-date on issues affecting your bowhunting rights. Join today!
You DO NOT need a PayPal account to process payment.
1. After selecting "Proceed...", select Paypal Checkout
2. Click on "Pay with Debit or Credit Card"
3. Select button and continue with payment.
Please help us
help you.
Get all the benefits of
WBH membership
at the reduced
multiple year cost!
Booster Membership
The Bowhunter Booster Membership is available to clubs and businesses for an annual fee of $25.00. The Booster's name is listed in our magazine, is linked on our website and receives a membership card large enough to display in a window. We urge our members to support those Booster members who support us.
Booster Membership Application link.